Sir Isaac Newton and Horse Training
What does Sir Isaac Newton have to do with horse training? Well, his 3rd law of motion is tied in to how you ride your horse in some very obvious ways that you likely haven’t thought about – but when you do it might change how you ride from now on. So lets explore!
When your horse is RIGHT – Part III
Part 3 of 3 in a series. We look at what do to when you’re expecting a left turn…but your horse turns right.
When your Horse is RIGHT – Part 2
This article is the second of a three part series. I got to writing it and found it was a very deep – but very important – topic. How we work with our horse’s thoughts defines our relationship and establishes our credibility as leaders.
When your Horse is RIGHT – Part 1
This article is the first of a three part series. I got to writing it and found it was a very deep – but very important – topic. How we work with our horse’s thoughts defines our relationship and establishes our credibility as leaders.
Teaching our Horses to Handle Pressure
We can show the horse an entirely different way of dealing with pressure, so that it no longer creates a stress and in fact, causes him to release tension and focus on us. This opens the door for the horse to be balanced and perform like an athlete.
A Quick Chat about Focus
If you’ve been in one of my clinics, read articles or watched my videos, you’ll have heard me mention how important FOCUS is. Here’s a detailed explanation of how a simple technique can make huge changes in your riding.
The False Consensus Effect in the Horse World
We make sense of the world using the information we have and our personal beliefs and values. We also have an expectation that everyone we interact with shares those beliefs and values. It’s called the False Consensus Effect. We even do this with horses! That leads to frustrated people with frustrated horses. Lets move beyond…
Peace in your Leadership
If your horse is calm with you – that might be fine if you are hanging out with him in the pasture. For practical riding though, it’s not enough. In this case your horse needs to find peace – that is safety, comfort and trust – as a function of your leadership, particularly when that…
Feel and Connection
I received an excellent question from a student the other day: “How does one release tension and defenses if you are not really aware of it? How does this translate to the horse and feel?”
Christmas 2016 – Horses and Relationships
Christmas is a time full of relationships, with friends, family…and our horses.